A Sharp Rise In External Debt Leaves Qatari Banks More Vulnerable - S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research

A Sharp Rise In External Debt Leaves Qatari Banks More Vulnerable

A Sharp Rise In External Debt Leaves Qatari Banks More Vulnerable - S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research
A Sharp Rise In External Debt Leaves Qatari Banks More Vulnerable
Published May 08, 2017
10 pages (2781 words) — Published May 08, 2017
Price US$ 600.00  |  Buy this Report Now

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Banks in Qatar have been successful in the past few years in raising funds from abroad, which attests to their attractiveness to foreign investors. However, S&P Global Ratings believes that the sharp increase in the external debt of Qatari banks raises their vulnerability to the risk of a shift in investor sentiment or change in global liquidity conditions. Some of the leading Qatari banks sought external liquidity when deposits of government and government-related entities (GREs) decreased when oil prices started to decline in the second half of 2014. The banks have managed to attract a significant amount of external funding, mostly denominated in U.S. dollars and mostly short-term debt of about six months, according to our understanding. On the other

Brief Excerpt:

...Banks in Qatar have been successful in the past few years in raising funds from abroad, which attests to their attractiveness to foreign investors. However, S&P Global Ratings believes that the sharp increase in the external debt of Qatari banks raises their vulnerability to the risk of a shift in investor sentiment or change in global liquidity conditions. Some of the leading Qatari banks sought external liquidity when deposits of government and government-related entities (GREs) decreased when oil prices started to decline in the second half of 2014. The banks have managed to attract a significant amount of external funding, mostly denominated in U.S. dollars and mostly short-term debt of about six months, according to our understanding. On the other hand, Qatari banks have used a large portion of this funding to finance typically long-term local projects denominated in Qatari riyal (QAR), resulting in a significant open position in U.S dollars. Although we consider that external funding...

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Global Issuers, Structured Finance
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S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research—S&P Global Ratings’ credit research provides analysis on issuers and debt obligations of corporations, states and municipalities, financial institutions, insurance companies and sovereign governments. S&P Global Ratings also offers insight into the credit risk of structured finance deals, providing an independent view of credit risk associated with a growing array of debt-securitized instruments.

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S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research. "A Sharp Rise In External Debt Leaves Qatari Banks More Vulnerable" May 08, 2017. Alacra Store. Apr 24, 2024. <http://www.alacrastore.com/s-and-p-credit-research/A-Sharp-Rise-In-External-Debt-Leaves-Qatari-Banks-More-Vulnerable-1844682>
S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research. (). A Sharp Rise In External Debt Leaves Qatari Banks More Vulnerable May 08, 2017. New York, NY: Alacra Store. Retrieved Apr 24, 2024 from <http://www.alacrastore.com/s-and-p-credit-research/A-Sharp-Rise-In-External-Debt-Leaves-Qatari-Banks-More-Vulnerable-1844682>
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