Après Le Déluge, The U.S. Dollar Remains The Key International Currency - S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research

Après Le Déluge, The U.S. Dollar Remains The Key International Currency

Après Le Déluge, The U.S. Dollar Remains The Key International Currency - S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research
Après Le Déluge, The U.S. Dollar Remains The Key International Currency
Published Dec 02, 2013
16 pages (7017 words) — Published Dec 02, 2013
Price US$ 600.00  |  Buy this Report Now

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The U.S. dollar is the world's most accepted currency by most measures. It has remained so despite the global recession of 2008, which germinated in the U.S. Standard&Poor's Ratings Services cites the dollar's status as one of the factors supporting its 'AA+' long-term issuer credit rating on the United States of America (1). If the dollar did not have this role, we believe that the U.S. would not have such ready access to external financing, interest rates would have to rise to attract higher domestic savings, and potential growth would fall. (2) As we see it, the U.S. dollar did not attain this position by accident (see appendix), nor does the U.S. maintain it simply with inertia. Rather,

Brief Excerpt:

...(Editor's Note: We published the original version of this article on May 16, 2005, and updated it on Oct. 15, 2007, and March 10, 2010. The version below, our third update, reflects the BIS triennial survey data as of September 2013.) The U.S. dollar is the world's most accepted currency by most measures. It has remained so despite the global recession of 2008, which germinated in the U.S. Standard & Poor's Ratings Services cites the dollar's status as one of the factors supporting its '##+' long-term issuer credit rating on the United States of America (1). If the dollar did not have this role, we believe that the U.S. would not have such ready access to external financing, interest rates would have to rise to attract higher domestic savings, and potential growth would fall. (2) As we see it, the U.S. dollar did not attain this position by accident (see appendix), nor does the U.S. maintain it simply with inertia. Rather, the dollar's widespread acceptance stems from the U.S. economy's...

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Global Issuers, Public Finance, Structured Finance
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S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research. "Après Le Déluge, The U.S. Dollar Remains The Key International Currency" Dec 02, 2013. Alacra Store. Apr 29, 2024. <http://www.alacrastore.com/s-and-p-credit-research/Apr-s-Le-D-luge-The-U-S-Dollar-Remains-The-Key-International-Currency-1222761>
S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Research. (). Après Le Déluge, The U.S. Dollar Remains The Key International Currency Dec 02, 2013. New York, NY: Alacra Store. Retrieved Apr 29, 2024 from <http://www.alacrastore.com/s-and-p-credit-research/Apr-s-Le-D-luge-The-U-S-Dollar-Remains-The-Key-International-Currency-1222761>
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